Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > I think my guinea pig is sick!! PLEASE HELP!!!

I think my guinea pig is sick!! PLEASE HELP!!!

21 13:49:51

My guinea pig usually will eat the second you put anything you put in front of him. I know he is over weight, and he is on diet food already. this morning i tried to give him his vitamin he didnt want it, he didnt eat his food, and he wasnt drinking water. So i gave him half a Clementine for the vitamin C. Then i tried giving him some Hay which he usually will eat right up but he didnt touch. He hasnt eaten anything all day and just lyed in the corner of the cage. He hasnt eaten his dinner, hasnt drank any water. So i have been giving him celery, carrots, and blueberry's just so he would eat something. He didnt even finish all of that. I just picked him up, to cuddle with him and i noticed his nipple was bigger then normal, and it was pointy. What could be wrong with my guinea pig? Does him not eating his food have to do with his nipple being like that? please help me!!

thats strange, he nipple might be happenstance rather than a symptom, it coulod possibly be a tumor, or even that he was feeling a little skittish and didnt want to eat near you. if it does seem to be a big problem then i would recommend taking him to a vet.

try giving him some lawn time, see if he eats any grass, if he does then he is probably okay.

best of luck