Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Matter coming from both eyes.

Matter coming from both eyes.

21 14:13:02

I'm a first time hairless guinea pig owner and I am concerned about a gray, mucus-like matter coming out of both corners of his eyes.  Does he have an infection or is this normal?
He's eating and running around, so he doesn't appear to be physically affected.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much!!


It sounds like the matter from his eyes is the normal matter that Guinea Pigs produce to help in grooming themselves. It is very rare for an owner to see this unless it is after bath time. Normally though this is a white milky color and not a gray color.

He could have an infection, so take him to see the vet just in case as if it is an infection it'll only get worse left untreated and could do a lot of harm to him. So if it isn't a milky white in color then take him to the vet.

I hope this helps,
  Take Care,