Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > exercise/behavior


21 14:29:58

HI! I have had my 8-10 week male guinea pig for 5 days now and I was wanted to know how come when i put him in his exercise ball he doesnt move? He will sit there for a while just looking around and occasionaly he will turn around.I ask this because i know he is a very active guinea pig and i wonder does he know the ball can move?, because i know if he knows the ball can move he would defintly explore around.My other question would be how can I let hime know or help him move around more because he loves to move? Im sure he would enjoy it once he knows how.

Hi Shanta,
the problem is thatguinea pigs don'tnormally move around in balls or in spinning wheels. I once bought a wheel for my guinea pig and he wouldn't move on it. Gerbils, mice and hamsters run on wheels and in moveable balls guinea pigs don't. Your guinea pig has to get adjusted more to his/her enviroment before he moves around,always remember that make sure there are no other large animals around or  nosies that might cause the guinea pig to stay still and be afraid to move.
thank you and bestof luck,