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Guineapig Ear Infection

21 14:29:59

Very suddenly Saturday morning (2 days ago), my four and a half year old guineapig, Daisy was wobbling around her cage and moving her head from side to side (as if she were drunk or attempting to keep her balance).  The day before, she'd been a bit edgey about me touching her ear, but showed no loss of balance.  I feed her on Gerty Guineapig drymix, fruit and veg twice a day and hay.
A vet suspected an ear infection and gave me cat eardrops for her.  I put the eardrops in but she didn't show any signs of improvement.  Yesterday (Sunday) she was almost unable to walk.  She struggles to lift herself up onto her legs and has taken to half dragging herself around.  All four legs seem to be 'alive' and not paralysed.  She wants to eat and enjoys the veg and drymix that I put infront of her.  She also willingly drinks when I syringe feed her with a bit of water.  
I saw a different vet this morning and he has prescribed Baytril (0.2ml once daily) for the ear infection.  He didn't take any cultures or xray as he believed he was 99.9% sure.  The vet said that apart from maybe some discomfort in her ear and frustration at wobbling over, she's not suffering too much.  He also said that he's never seen a guinea pig recover from this.  
It's a very disressing sight and I don't want her to suffer.  I'd have her put to sleep if I thought it necessary.  But right now, it seems such a terrible waste of life if I can at least give her the care and attention she needs to try and pull her through this - she appears alert and bright enough.  I've never had a pig with this condition before.  
What are the chances of survival for an guinea pig ear infection with these symptoms?  How will I know when the infection is gone?  And should I supplement her diet whilst she's on the Baytril?  

Hi Caroline,

Sorry your piggie is sick.
While I'm not a professional trained vet, I understand that the medicine you are giving is correct and should ease the problem (and hopefully cure it).
I really can't say what the chances are of her recovering from the illness as I'm not quite as expert on this area as I am in others.

I would try the medicine for a week or two, and if she deteriorates or doesn't respond to the medication then I would look at your other options.

Also see for more medical advice on various guinea pig health matters.

Best Wishes,

- Laura