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help deliever

21 14:18:22

how can i help my guinea pig deliver without a vet.?



You won't really need to help her in the delivery as it will be over from anywhere from 15 to 40 minutes depending on how many young she has. Though there are a few things you can due if you happen to be there, as she will most likely give birth at night or early morning.

Sometimes, the babies come so fast that the Mom has no time to tend to each baby. If you are present, and she is still cleaning up a baby and is not tending to the next one, get a clean towel and carefully pick the baby up, take the sac off the baby, and rub it gently to make sure it is breathing. Be especially careful around the newborns eyes, as they are normally wide open, and you can scratch the cornea. After you dry it off, put it back down beside the Mom.
Try and make sure that the afterbirths have been delivered. There should be one for every baby. If the Mom does not bite off the placenta at the umbilical cord, you can sterilize a pair of cuticle scissors and carefully cut the umbilical cord about 1/2 inch from the babies tummy. Otherwise, he will be dragging the placenta around. If you do not see the birth as it happens, you will most likely not see the placentas, as the Mom will eat the afterbirths and all the bloody wet shavings.
If you are present, you can help her out by removing some of the placentas and some of the soiled bedding. She eats those to keep predators from discovering the babies. The afterbirth will be a round flat bloody object ranging in size from a nickel to a quarter.

That is all you can due to help her out, but as I said before only if you happen to be there.

Good Luck To you,
          Take Care,