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piggie problem!!

21 14:16:30

hey Jules, I just got two beautiful guinea pigs a few days back,both girls.One of them had some foot problem when we got her.It was slightly swollen.Now the other seems to have got it as well and we have no idea what to do as this is new to us.So would you please give us an idea as to what it might be and how we should go about handling the problem.Any advice would be highly appreciated.Thank you.


It sounds like your Piggies have Bumblefoot.

Bumblefoot is often attributed to abrasions caused by wire floors or rough bedding which allow infections (typically Staphylococcus aureus, a common environmental bacteria) to become established. Poor sanitation, wet bedding, lack of activity and obesity may be factors.

There are many treatments available in the cure of Bumblefoot. Here are a few easy treatments for bumblefoot,
an anti-septic lotion that contains 2% chlorhexidine gluconate called ResiChlor. Treatment for a cavy with severe bumblefoot (swollen to the size of a grape with an open sore) is:
   Oral antibiotics until it clears up.
   Soaking foot frequently in a chlorhexidine solution.
   Covering with NEW SKIN Wound & Blister Dressing (ointments cannot be used with this dressing).

After soaking, let the foot dry while holding them so it stays clean, then cuts a patch of the dressing to cover the sore. It adheres well, lets the wound drain and it doesn't hurt when removed.

Note: Chlorhexidine soaks tend to be very drying. Alternating dilute chlorhexidine soaks with dilute Betadine soaks may be easier on your guinea pig's feet. Some people use a product like Preparation H after the foot is dry.

Also you can take them down to a experienced Guinea Pig vet and have them look at the feet. A vet will know of several different successful treatments for bublefeet. If you need help in finding a good Guinea Pig vet call some of the local Guinea Pig rescue Centers and ask them which vet they use. Best way to get a good vet for Guinea Pigs.

I hope this helps and your girls' feet clear up soon.
     Take care now,