Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Great info

Great info

21 14:37:22

Hi Andy,
In an earlier response, you asked how I could see answers you gave to other people. Very simple...all I did was click on the link for GUINEA PIGS and it lists every question that you have ever answered for anyone.

While I appreciate that you will not knowingly give out false information, if you are not 110% sure, you should not give it. I also appreciate that you will direct people to contact a vet, however, there are some situation that you don't. You mentioned a situation where a pig might just have something lodged in his eye. Well, if the eye is irritated, then they do need to see a vet because it could become infected. I happened to me.

You may want to direct people to the following sites:

Both of those sites can give you wonderful medical advice. It is unbelievable the knowledge those people have. In some cases, even more than vets.

I understand that most people are extremely happy with the info they are given. But please remember, many of these people only have the info they received at the pet store, which as we all know, is not good.


Hi again

Since I responded to your comments I realised that you could see all of my answers.

As I have written to one of your colleagues, I get the majority of my information from a gentleman called Peter Gurney, who is the leading Guinea pigs expert in the UK.

I do sometimes refer people to websites, and your are now added to my list.

I accept I am falible. You will see that I have done much more referring to vets since we last communicated. What upsets me though, is the accusation (made by one of your colleagues) that I answer questions on this site because it is cool.

Anyway, all the best, and thank you for the website links and the feedback.
