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swollen eye?

21 14:26:26

Hi - I bought my piggie, Buster about 3 weeks ago, so hes about 3 months old. He seemed fine last night but tonight one of his eyes is completely sealed. I read up about URIs and Im a bit worried it could be that.
He lives with another pig (Bruno) - should I separate them until I can get Buster to the vet? Could it be catching? help! any advice would be much appreciated

if he has got any other symptons (see he has probably this. in this case, he needs to go to the vet straight away and to be safe, seperate him from Bruno. if he has only got this one sympton, he may not have it so bath his eye in salt water, take him to the vet and seperate him from Bruno. i hope Buster has not got URI (well down for looking that up). please contact me if you have any more questions.