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new g-pig

21 14:42:42

i am trying to learn all i can about guinea pigs because my last guinea pig (callie) died because i didnt know the first thing about them and i never bothered to look any thing up so i thought you could help me I would like to know about their diet,bedding for caging,breeding,and what toys do you recomend to keep them from getting bored?
  thanks so much,

Before adopting another pig, yes, ADOPT, do not BUY from a PET STORE. There are many cavies in shelters and rescues that are needing homes. Visit and  Pet Stores are always selling unhealthy and pregnant cavies, not to mention they come from back yard breeders and mass producing mills that could care less about the health of the animal. You should get everything you need before adopting. Get the cage, bedding, food, hay, accessories, and toys before hand. Have the new environment ready for the cavy before bringing it home. Remember, you should get TWO SAME SEX CAVIES. They are herding animals and do best in pairs.

Their diet should consist of a good quality cavy pellet. Do not use a food mixture that contains seeds, nuts or dried stuff.  Cavies that are under the age of 6 months need Alfalfa Hay and cavies over 6 months need Timothy Hay. Hay is essential in a cavies diet as it not only helps keep their teeth down, but it also helps in the digestion process. Hay should be available at all times in a cavies cage as they are grazing animals and will graze on it almost all day. They need at least 1 cup of fresh vegetables daily so they get enough vitamin C in their diet. Some vegetables high in vitamin C include Kale, Spinach, Parsley, Bell Peppers, Romaine Lettuce, Green/Red Leaf Lettuce, Endive and Escarole.

First and Foremost, NEVER USE PINE OR CEDAR!  Pine and Cedar bedding contains VERY toxic oils that can cause URI's and even liver damage over time. The only Pine bedding that  can be used is Kiln Dried Pine as the kilning process gets rid of the harmful oils. Don't use Corn Cob or Kitty Litter.
Good beddings include
-Kiln Dried Pine
-Natural Hemp
-Yesterdays News
-Critter Care
-Cell Sorb
-Soft Sorb
-Woody Pet
-Wood Stove Pellets

Only use a C&C cage  (toys also on this page). Very cheap, easy to make and provides enough space without spending $80-$200 on a still too small cage. Cavies cannot be kept in aquariums as they can cause major health problems, they cannot be kept in wire bottom cages, and they cannot be kept in pet store cages as many and most are too small and cost too much. Do not buy and/or use wheels or balls.

Number 1 rule, DON'T DO IT ! There are way too many cavies in shelters and rescues that need homes and bringing more cavies into the world won't help this problem, only hurt it.
Every sow has a 20% chance of having complications or dying before, during or after the birth.

Important websites to visit