Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > i need help...

i need help...

21 14:22:43

ok well im getting 2 guinepigs for my birthday and I need to know two do you pick up a guinea pig and with out it bitting you and can i keep 2 guineapigs in a cage that is only 4 square feet (27" long, 17" wide )
i know it isn't recomended but my parents already bott me the cage and said i get 2 guineapigs so i really need to know before I get them...well plz e-mail me at with you're replay

Hi Vicki

I have to reply via this site, I hope that is ok.

Guinea pigs generally dont bite unless they are really scared, just make sure you hold them gently underneath and support all the legs.

The size of the cage should be ok also.
