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Pododermatitis or bumble foot

21 14:42:29


I need all the info you can get on Pododermatits
or so called bumble foot. My Snowball has been to the vet and we found out that he has Pododermatits
the vet is treating him with Baytril and we are puting on Betaine and Bacitacin it looks like a grape in size. I would like to know what else we can do for him he is on Carefresh bedding too is that the best kind for hime to use?

Bunnyness --

Nice talking to you again.  My apologies for the delay in response -- I am having (still) problems with my internet connection.

It sounds as though you are taking good care of your animal.  What your vet has prescribed is good for him.  I usually use Yesterday's News, but Carefresh is good, too.

For the information you wanted -- bumblefoot is, essentially, a foot infection.  It is usually caused by the animal cutting its foot on something sharp (a wire in the cage or a splinter in the bedding).  If the cut goes unnoticed (as most do), it will get infected and begin to swell.  The animal isn't usually in too much pain, however.  I have only ever had one animal with this condition, and while it was scary, they get better fairly quickly and should be up and about at 100% within a week or two.

Hope this information is helpful -- sorry again about the delay.  Good luck!
