Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > a slight biting issue

a slight biting issue

21 13:48:38

Hi there, We have a slightly older male guinea who we have had for about a month and a half now. He is a sweety, though a bit spoiled at times.
The problem is we recently had him out for free range time and he was having fun running around when all of a sudden he ran up to my foot and bit rather hard and ran away. Completely unprovoked. Is this a way of playing or is there something else that might be going on?
We do have another younger male, but at the moment they only share some free range time together as living together has proved as a fight waiting to happen.
Any suggestions would be awesome because needless to say the biting has caused me (kim) to be a little skittish around them.
Thank you

Well my goodness, I have to say this is the first time I've ever heard of a guinea pig doing a naughty nip like that. Honestly, it sounds like he was just being a playful stinker. If he'd run up to your foot, smelled what he thought was fresh grass to take a bite out of I would think he just mistook your toe for food.  But it sounds like he has a sense of humor and orneriness and it just seemed like fun at the time.

It really doesn't sound like a provoked act of aggression. I doubt he will suddenly turn into a biter. I have a couple of young boars that decided they would reach out and bite when I tried to pick them up. I found that a soft flick of the finger right on the nose changed the attitude. I just saw no need to put up with juvenile cavy delinquents! It worked.