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My guinea pigs wont move

21 14:34:10

Hi kirsten,
My name is Levi,Im 9 ,I have a pig named Moonlight.She stopped eating and drinking 2 weeks
ago for 2 days ,so we took her to the vet.We got the medication Baytril.She got better fast.Now all of a sudden she won't eat or drink and she seems like her limbs are useless.I have been trying to hand feed her and she refuses her favorites.I've held her for to days straight and no poop realy.Just some runny stuff,(sorry)2 pees
though,but no drinking.Im so worried.I ve got 1
more dose of her meds,Which she will take.But I
dont know what to do.100.00 per visit to the vet is hard for my mom I know.Thank you for your time,Levi

It sounds like she is seriousley sick. There is not much u can do. I'd say to take her to the vet one more time and see how serious it is. You may need to find out if she can heal, or not. I don't know what to tell you besides make her comfotable. She seems very sick, so I don;t know.

I am sorry but I cannot help anymore since I am not a vet. Please let me know okay?