Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Guniea pig is not squeaking

Guniea pig is not squeaking

21 14:39:02

i am wondering if my guniea pig is sick. He used to squeak alot but now it seems like he can barely squeak. Could something be wrong? He eats and drinks just the same as before.

Also can you give them chewing sticks?

Hi Lisa.  Yes, you can give them chewing sticks.  They need to chew to wear down their teeth.  Empty toilet paper rolls work good too, but slit them down the middle first.
I would not be too concerned with him not squeaking.  Eating and drinking habits are usually the first indcator of illness and as long as he is doing those habits as usual I wouldn't be concerned.  It's possible he could be hoarse, I'd give him a few days and as long as his eating habits don't change I imagine he'll be back to normal as always.