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Boy piggie chewing on cage incessantly!

21 14:19:44

My son's piggie keeps chewing on the bars of his cage until my son can't take it anymore.  We let him out to run around, we hold him and we give him carrots and timothy hay.  I do know we need to get him some chew sticks.  Is there anything else we could do?

Besides pellets timothy hay and vegies, other things are needed for chewing. Chew sticks surprisingly usually get ignored by piggies. They love to chew on cardboard, so a cardboard hut or box will make them happy. A chewable hut or log to run through is what mine chew on... constantly!! :) This makes little noise. Guinea pigs are capable of digesting fabric, plastic, paper, cardboard, wood any everything, so chewing has no limit. Plastic huts are a favorite, but are chewed up quicker than wood ones. Any pet store carries huts for piggies, or reptile logs. Never use wood unless it is from a pet store. Sealants and chemicals on wood from the outside or from a regular store are toxic. You can try chew stix, but I have never had a pig who actually used them. Any plastic, wood, or cardboard hut, log or toy is the best choice. He should stop chewing bars in no time. I hope this helps. Please feel free to ask me ANYTHING!
P.S - Carrots are a favorite when it comes to piggies, but just like with my kids, I think... "If they like carrots and spinach... Why not give them the healthier one?... spinach."
I like giving greens to my piggies because it is healthier. I use carrots and fruit as treats because they are not as healthy. Good foods are romaine lettuce, parsley, cucumber, spinach, cabbage, green bell pepper, cilantro, turnip greens, collard greens, broccoli, and a whole lot more. Broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage can cause gas so should be sparingly. Fruits are good also like strawberries, blueberries, oranges, seedless grapes, watermelon, apples, and much more. Fruits should only be given once or twice a week because they can cause diabetes. SEEDS CAN BE TOXIC AND SHOULD BE AVOIDED. Iceberg lettuce is not healthy for a piggy because it has zero nutritional value. When choosing foods, lean towards greens and veggies with high vitamin C. -Just to let you know:)