Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > GP wont eat

GP wont eat

21 14:10:34

QUESTION: I have a 2.5 yr old male GP who is being treated for an inner ear infection however though he is very keen to eat all his food he seems unable to bite and chew it. i am hand feeding him on critical care. The vet cannot find the problem so I am asking anyone who may have experienced this. His teeth were cut and he has been given an anti-inflammatory though prior to the illness he was a very enthusiastic eater. He and I are very frustrated that he cannot eat his food. Can you help?
Thank you in advance.

ANSWER: Hi Sarah.  First of all, you're doing the right thing by feeding Critical Care, and i always tell this to people as ensuring food is still getting through a pig is one of the most important things to remember when a pig is ill.
On the subject of your pig, I am wondering if the vet has trimmed the molars too short.  I have much experience with pigs getting their teeth cut and sadly there are quite a few vets inexperienced with small animal dental matters who do have a tendency to cut guinea pigs' teeth too short.  Hopefully this is the case and your pig's teeth will grow a bit more very soon and then your pig should pick up normal eating habits again.  Ideally.
Keep an eye on it.  I think this is your problem, but as with all infections it may be connected to your pig's ear infection.  Could it be that it has worsened?  Spreading infection, especially if it develops to a pus stage, can really affect how a pig can eat comfortably, and he may be experiencing discomfort with moving his jaw when he chews, which may in turn be hurting his ears.
I'm hoping it will improve and that your piggy will be eating comfortably again very soon!
I hope this helps, but do keep in touch with regards to your piggy.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Thank you so much for your reply. I think you hit the mark. Lenny is now eating almost normally and is off the CC but still needs my assistance when taking the first bite as I think the vet had cut his lower front incisors too low. I had not realised how the infection could effect his ability to be able to bite, chew and swallow. Eventhough outwardly he was much better I think he had lost some confidence in eating and needed encouraging and help to feel he could do it on his own. He had really got very frustrated and I think that had translated to him going off the foods that caused the frustrations. So we found him some new foods (cauliflower leaves and parsley are a great hit) and he remains under supervised eating three times a day which is just so much better than force feeding by we are both happy again!

Thank you again for your help. This is a great site.
Sarah & Lenny

Hi Sarah, i'm very pleased to hear that Lenny is getting better - great news!  When guineas get their teeth cut its always worth keeping an eye on the pig to see how they eat as unfortunately some vets can trim them too short.
I hope Lenny is able to eat normally very soon and that his infection goes.
Take care!
