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Pregnant guniae pig

21 13:44:22

My piggy is pregnant. I have separated her from the male as of last night. She is still eating and drinking as normal but she has almost stopped pooping and when she does it is very small pellets. I am very worried. She also has a hard crusty like stiff build up around her eyes like humans get sleep and flaky stuff on her noes. Yesterday I used a warm wet rag to clean off all the poop stuck to her bottom and found some blood in her cage please help me

You don't say now much blood you found in her cage, and that's important. She could be getting ready for delivery. A little bit of blood is normal. It can happen in preparation for birth. If there's very much blood there is a problem. The biggest concern is a baby that's not properly positioned for delivery.

The good news is that her eating and drinking habits would indicate that she does not feel poorly. That's the first indicator of a cavy's condition as they stop eating and drinking when ill.

The small poo is not unusual. When they are so close to delivery the babies are pushing on the the intestines and don't leave a lot of room for the stool to get to normal size. Pregnant women often do this as well.

The eye and nasal discharge is concerning. Wash it off daily and see if it continues to build or was it just an isolated thing. If the flakes on her nose are enough to cover the nostrils she could have developed a respiratory problem. Eye discharge sometimes comes from stress, but also a reaction to dust from her bedding. I am more concerned about a runny nose.

I think it's a good idea to take her to your vet for a quick check up.