Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > floor time

floor time

21 13:49:00

I always give my cavy floor time, but I'm not 100% sure I am doing it the best way.  Unfortunately, I can't let him outside as I live in an apartment.  I can block off areas of my apartment and let him run around freely, but I'm always worried he will eat something dangerous, as he is constantly looking for food!  Any advice as to how much room I should give him to run around in, and any tips as to what I could put down on the floor that will protect the carpet as well as my piggie, and that won't be too difficult to wash would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you in advance! :)

I don't think there's any written protocol as to how much floor time a pig needs. It doesn't have to be outside. If you have a hallway that you can block off by closing the doors, that might work for some controlled environment and allow him to run.

Another option is to get some kind of little fence or exercise pen that you could take outdoors to a park if you have one close. You can sit under the shade of a tree and let the little fellow run on the grass in his own little corral.  The only real concern there is whether the grass has any pesticides or fertilizers on it. You want to avoid that.

Some apartment complexes have common areas like patios where you could put him down with a pen around him.

If you don't have an outdoor area available you could use a little pen right in your living room.  The idea is to make sure he doesn't find access to an electric cord or a way to get under the sofa.

There's no way you can be doing anything wrong for your pet. He's not going to hold it against you. As far as looking for food that's what they do. These are grazing animals and eating or looking for something to chew when they're in a new place is their favorite pastime.  

Whatever you find that works for you is going to be the best. You might need nothing more than a few pieces of cardboard that restricts him from going where he shouldn't. It doesn't have to be costly. A little creativity works wonders with a guinea pig.