Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > dehydrated not eating

dehydrated not eating

21 13:46:28

hi, my pig was very lethargic and not eating.

while hand feeding him, I think I got water in his lungs. The breathing sounds gurgly and is laboured. Is there anything I can do? Can't afford a large vet bill.


I'm so sorry I was not able to get to this question earlier. I have a feeling I am too late to help, but realistically I'm not sure I could offer any recommendations that would make a difference.

If an animal is that lethargic the last thing you should do is try to force fluid because of the risk of aspiration. When they become that weak they are not able to swallow and fluid often goes right into the lung.

It's a very difficult thing to turn them around when they get to this point. In most cases by the time they've reached lethargy and dehydration they have already started into system failure, and the first thing that shuts down are the kidneys. Death usually follows quickly.

I'm so sorry Tim that I couldn't give you any advice. Please let me know what has happened.