Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Ovarian Cyst?

Ovarian Cyst?

21 13:38:58

Hi there,
I am looking for some advice in regards to my female Guinea pig. I rescued her from a Guinea pig rescue a few years ago. We believe she is probably around 5 or 6 now. I have noticed recently that she has been loosing some hair on one of her sides and her nipples are enlarged. I have also noticed that she has been bossy to her other female Guinea pig friend more than normal.  I have researched and found that these signs coincide with either an ovarian cyst or tumor.  What do you think? Do you have any advice? I plan on taking her to the vet, but I've read that normally there isn't much they can do and she is acting perfectly fine. Her spunky self full of appetite.

Any advice would be great, thanks!

Five to six years is a grand old age for any pig, and it's not totally uncommon for the older sows to develop ovarian cysts. Most of the time these things are not malignant, but they do cause an upset in female hormones which leads to the symptoms you're describing. It's much like the pms we suffer, only an exaggerated dose.

There isn't really any treatment I would recommend at her age. She is by most standards a very old girl, and it wouldn't be in her best interest to try to put her through surgery. In all probability she will succumb to old age rather than complications from an ovarian cyst.

The best advise I can give is to just do nothing. Surgery is risky at best with small animals, and even more so when they are elderly. I would suggest you just enjoy her while she's with you and let her finish out her life the way she is. She appears to be happy and in no discomfort. I would not put her through treatment that would most likely not add anything to her life.