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Cavies Skin Problems

21 14:28:06

Hi.  My little guy Max (an Absynnian) seems to be having some skin problems.  He's started to lose hair in small patches where he has small sores.  He scratches alot, which could definately be, at least, part of the problem.  We trim his nails regulary, though.  I was wondering if cavies normally have allergy problems, or perhaps a genetic predisposition to skin problems through breeding?  And any tips would be appreciated, as well.  Thanks so much.

What he most likely has is mites, they are microscopic and live under the skin. Mites cause hairloss, itching that can lead to sores, and eventually if not treated it can lead to seizures which can kill the pig. Mites have to be treated with a shot of Ivermectin, which can be recieved from a vet in your area, or you could do the shot your self by purchasing a bottle of Ivermectin at a farm supply store for around $45, if you'd like to do the shot yourself let me know and I can give you the dosage. You also might be able to find a breeder that carries Ivermectin in your area, all good breeders should have it, and they might give him a shot, I know I give shots to pigs in Ohio for $10 a piece. Guinea Pigs typically do not have allergy problems, mites can come from the pig's parents if the breeder does not give shots to all pigs that come in the facility, but other than that most pigs don't have genetic skin problems other than the hairless varieties. Until you can give him a shot though you can clean the area with a wound cleaning formula, betadine etc., and also giving him a bath in Happy Tails Tar and Sulfur shampoo will help with some of the itching, you can also place triple antibiotic ointment on any wounds, just make sure to rub it in. Let me know if you have any more questions.