Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My Guinea Pig Genna

My Guinea Pig Genna

21 14:40:40

My guinea pig, Genna, has been shedding a lot lately. Is this normal for winter time?  

Katrina --

First, let me apologise for the delay in response.  AllExperts has been having some sort of technical difficulties and I have been unable to send responses to any questions.  I am back up and running now, though.

It is absolutely normal for Genna to be shedding a lot right now.  This is in preparation for their new coat to grow in.  Now, remember, guinea pigs are a tropical animal, so they are not having a "winter shed" and growing a heavier, warmer coat, but they still have seasonal sheds.

I hope this answers all your questions.  If you have any more, please feel free to write me again.  I will answer much more quickly this time around.  Thanks!
