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Guinea-pig care and life span

21 14:47:33


How big should a cage be for two guinea-pigs?

Is harts guinea-pig diet a good brand to be feeding?

Is a water bottle better then a bowl?

Can they be fed chunks of water-melon as a treat?

Whats there avrage life span?  


   A guinea pig's life span can go up to 7 years. A water bottle is better because guinea pigs seem to kick their woodchips into their water bowl. I like to feed my guinea pigs these foods listed below:

1. Carrots (Their Favorite)

2. Apples

3. Grapes

4. Lettus

5. Tomato

6. Bread

7. Collard greens

I feed my guinea pigs BUCKEYE GUINEA PIG PELLETS I belive Buckeye is a way more better brand. It depends on what you want to feed you guinea pig. Harts can be more money for a smaller bag then Buckeye. Buckeye gives you what you pay for. The cage should be big enough for them to run around in. at least two feet long and at least a foot wide. Have a nice evening! Bye. E-mail me if you have anymore questions!
