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questions about getting a new piggie

21 14:15:59

My husband and I are considering getting a guninea pig.  It's been over 15 years since I had one, however, and I want to make sure this is the best choice for us, so I have a few questions:

1.)  My husband is allergic to cats.  We do have a short-hair cat and he can tolerate that as long as we vacuum regularly.  Do you know if this means he will likely be allergic to guinea pigs, as well, or if that would be a totally separate allergy?

2.)  Is there any reason not to get a guinea pig if I already have a dog and a cat?  Both seem to be gentle animals as far as all experiences I've had.  They get along well with eachother and with the kids.  The cat is declawed.  

3.)  What is the best age to get a piggie?  I was hoping to find one that is young and/or a bab from a breeder or rescue.  I am unsure of what ages would be considered young and what is too young of an age to adopt, etc.  Is there an "optimal" age?

4.)  Is there an easy way to locate a breeder in my area of Ohio?  I have tried searching online and it seems to be hit-and-miss trying to locate one.  Any suggestions?

Thank you very much for your time!!!


1.) As long as you get a short-haired Guinea Pig there should be no problems for your husband. I think it is a separate allergy but I am not sure so to be on the safe side make sure it is a short haired, as they shed less and are less likely to get dandruff.

2.) As long as the Guinea Pig's cage is up where the dog can't reach and there is a top on the cage (some people have open top cages) there is no reason not to get a Guinea Pig. Just keep the cage up high so the dog doesn't scare the Guinea Pig and it has a top so the cat can't crawl into the cage with the Guinea Pig.

3.) It all depends on how much attention you can provide as to the age. If it is a pup (baby) then it'll need a lot more attention from you then one that is six months. Though a single Guinea Pig needs lots of attention but it isn't as demanding as a pups since they need training in handling and such. So it is really up to you as to how old you want as any age is fine.

4.) Best way to locate a breeder in your area of Ohio is through vet offices, local rescue shelters, other Guinea Pig owners, and even local pet stores. That way it isn't so much as hit-and-miss as it is on the internet.

I hope this helps and if you have anymore questions please feel free to ask.
          Take care now,