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Strange patch on my guinea pig paw

21 14:16:10

My little guinea pig has what looks like something that is a growth on the bottom of her paw.What would I do for it?


There are two possibilities for what the growth could be, first one is spurs. Some guinea pigs develop flaps of tough skin that protrude from their front feet while others don't. These spurs can be carefully removed with a nail clipper to prevent accidental tearing. Avoid clipping too closely and causing bleeding.

Development of spurs does not seem to be related to the type of bedding or flooring used. A combination of genetics, activity level and husbandry may all contribute to their development.

Bumblefoot is the other possibility. Bumblefoot is an extremely painful infection of the footpad. The footpad is swollen and may be crusted and/or bleeding.

There are several different ways to treat bumblefoot, here are some ways to treat it and also remember that your vet can treat bumblefoot also. Here are some treatments for it.

An anti-septic lotion that contains 2% chlorhexidine gluconate called ResiChlor. Is one way to treat.

Treatment for a cavy with severe bumblefoot (swollen to the size of a grape with an open sore) is:
Oral antibiotics until it clears up.
Soaking foot frequently in a chlorhexidine solution.
Covering with NEW SKIN Wound & Blister Dressing (ointments cannot be used with this dressing).

After soaking, let the foot dry while holding her so it stays clean, then cut a patch of the dressing to cover the sore. It adheres well, lets the wound drain and it doesn't hurt when removed.

Note: Some have found chlorhexidine soaks to be very drying. Alternating dilute chlorhexidine soaks with dilute Betadine soaks may be easier on your guinea pig's feet. Some people use a product like Preparation H after the foot is dry.

But also remember that your vet will be able to treat it also if you feel it isn't healing up.

I hope this helps,
  Take care,