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Another partner

21 14:38:41

Now we're having another problem with my guniea pig.  When I went away for cheerleading, my Dad took care of him.  When I got home he could not walk.  He would always fall over.  My dad researched it, and it said it was paralysis and calcium would make cute him.  It's been about a little more then a week and we called the woman i got him from and she said to give him tums because of the calcium.  She said he would be better in a few days but he hasn't gotten any better.  How long are guniea pigs supposed to live?  Thanks for reading and helping my pig.

Gabrielle -

First, let me say this - I'm not familiar with the dispensing of Tums to guinea pigs.  I know there are lots of human medications you can give to guinea pigs, but I have never heard of Tums.  Because of this, I can't really recommend them as a good idea.  Personally, if I were you, I would take this animal to a reputable vet as soon as possible to have him looked at.  (If you need help finding one, there is information on this at

The average guinea pig has a life expectancy of 4-5 years.  Keep in mind this is an average and that some live longer and some live less.

I hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me again.  Good luck!
