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Pregnant guineapigs

21 14:12:43

I have a guinea pig girl.She use to be with a boy but i sold him. now she is starting to get pretty big in the stomic. I Looked on a site and i did what she told me to do to tell if she was pregnant, but i still wasn't sure.can you please help me?


Sorry for just now getting back to you with an answer, the internet has been down for the last few days all over town. So sorry for just now getting back to you.

Here are a list of signs that'll help you in determining if she is pregnant or not. If she is pregnant remember that her care is going to need to change.

Drinking lots more water,
Eating more,
Becoming noticeably heavier,
Teats become more prominent and red looking,

By the time she is almost ready to have the babies you'll notice these two signs.

The pear shape she'll start looking,
Movement of the babies when set on lap.

I hope this helps and good luck to you,
         Take care now,