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Unexplained Skinniness

21 13:43:44

Hello there.

My guinea pig is very skinny. I could almost say emaciated but he appears to be perfectly fine. He's purring, running around and his eating habits do not seem out of the norm.

His teeth are perfectly fine and when I watch him eat, there is no struggle. But, I still don't know what's going on. I thought that it might be separation anxiety because just lately, I've been gone to college, leaving him in my family's care the past few months.

Any ideas?

Weight loss is always a red flag that something is wrong. Are you sure the family is keeping his pellet bowl filled daily? The front teeth are easy to see, but sometimes the back teeth get out of alignment and can make it difficult to chew.

Separation should not cause him to lose weight. You don't say how old he is but often times the weight loss in older pigs is a sign that they are nearing their time. Hopefully that's not the case, although old age is easier to understand and accept than a hidden health problem.

I hope that whatever it is can be corrected. It's always hard to lose something you love, especially during this time of year.