Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > age and getting along with others

age and getting along with others

21 14:24:25

i just bought 2 guinea pigs. they are both females, 1 seems to be much younger than the other, she fits in the palm of your hand,she keeps trying to nurse off the bigger one, the other is still young too. how can you tell there approx age, also the bigger of the 2 keeps nudging the small 1 and chutting at her and just not being nice, is there anything i can do ?


Did you get them at a unreputable pet store? It sounds like the younger one is not weaned and should still be with mom, so she is nursing off the other pig. I have raised orphans that did that.

Most pet stores are pretty bad and only out to make a buck. They usually sell sick or missexed pigs from backyard breeders. You need to make sure they are both females. Your pigs like have mites as well and need to be treated with ivermectin. Your pigs likely are in a too small enclosure as well so they need more space. Please look over and