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new guinea pig died

21 14:12:02

We bought 2 guinea pigs a couple days ago and my husband noticed that one of them looked like he had hiccups or possibly choking, but he was still scampering around the cage.  An hour or so later, he was dead in the cage. We did find a short piece of straw in his throat, but it didn't seem like it would be big enough to cut off his air.  Anyway, we're wondering if he was possible sick when we got him or if it that is what they do if they are choking.  Since the pet store told us to use the straw for bedding, I'm concerned about the other pig if it is that much of a choke hazard.  My boys are distraught so I really don't want a repeat event.  Thanks!

I am so sorry for your loss. It is possible that your guinea pig could have been sick before you bought him as it is not uncommon for that to happen. Depending on what straw you used it could cause a choke hazard. It does sound like the guinea pig may have had something stuck in his throat. A lot of times a cough may sound like a hiccup. Guinea pigs do need grass as their staple diet especially Timothy Hay, although I wouldn't use grass as a bedding because the guinea pigs are probably going to munch on it. Generally the best bedding for guinea pigs is soft-sorbent bedding or carefresh bedding, if you can't find those then I would use aspen bedding.
I feel so bad that your poor guinea pig passed away. Please try to give the other guinea pig as much attention as possible so he won't get lonely.