Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > opinions


21 14:34:41

hi laura, i need to no some expert opinions about guinea pigs and i can see you are very good. i just recieved a guinea pig from my parents and i look after it all by myself. I decided to do a project on them and so i would like to include some expert advice.Any help I would be grateful fo

Hello Nick,

Many apologies for the delay in replying to you. I have been ill and had family matters to attend to so I'm sorry I took so long.

I can't really help you unless you specify what it is you would like to know. I can point you to some excellent guinea pig websites if that helps. It's quite hard to advise people if they don't say exactly what it is they want to know about!

Get back to me and I will help you out. Congratulations on your new guinea.

Best Wishes,

- Laura