Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > well being

well being

21 14:47:00

when the guinea pig "grunts" is she happy sad or hungry?  Is there a way to know?  I have a lot of kids here and she is being held all the time, I am trying to see signs of "too much"  All other advise on care grooming feeding etc are welcome too, 1st time guinea pig owner.  WITH KIDS!!!!

Hi Cristi,
I am not so sure about the grunting, but here are some other sounds that it MAY be related too.

Persistent Squeaking means begging for food.

Faint Squeaks means lonelyiness. Your guinea pig wants attention.

Grinding teeth. Mad, feels threatened.

Purr like noise means it's very happy.

A guinea-pig could feel stressed or threatened around children. Make sure that they are not holding her too tightly or squeezing, but on the other hand, Guinea-pigs are  very social animals, so alot of affection is good.
Another way to see if they are having too much is if they nibble on the child or urinate.
I hope this is enough informtaion.
If you would like to ask another question please do not hesitate to ask.