Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Please help me asap

Please help me asap

21 14:25:04

My guinea pig has not eating or drinking for a while. we got him to drink a little water and eat some plum.  he normally poops alot but he hasn't lately.  we can feel his spine.  

He really needs to go to a vet immediately if possible, once a guinea pig has stopped eating they are at a critical stage. Does he have any other symptoms? Wheezing, sneezing, drainage, diarrhea? Try feeding him a mixture of 2/3 water, or better unflavored Pedialyte, with 1/3 pellet, just make a small amount, and blend it up good enough so it can be force fed through a syringe or spoon fed, then feed him 2-3 times a day. Be sure to give him any produce that he will eat, and also syringe feed him water. I can't really tell you much until I know other symptoms, because not eating always is from another illness.