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newborn guinea pig problems

21 13:44:57

Hi, my 8 month old silver agouti sow delivered a very large sow this morning but the baby has a tilted head and very weak legs, Her front legs move a little but dont support her weight and her back legs just twitch every so often. What could be wrong with her? Will she survive? Mum is a small guinea pig, but was fully dialated and seems unharmed after the birth.

Please help,

if it is only an hour or too old dont worry, this is normal it takes tham a qhile to get the hang of the weight of their head, and the back legs especially are always wobbly.
if however it is older then by the sounds of it the baby is deformed in some way, it is possible that the mother carries the lethal gene and had been crossed with another lethal.
I wouldnt like to say if the baby will survive, if it is eating and nursing then there is a reasonable chance, though you you needo get it looked at by a vet to determine what, if anything can be done, and if keeping it alive is too cruel a thing to do. it is horrible and difficult but sometimes some things are not meant to live.

best of luck