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Guinea pig delivery

21 13:46:57

Hi there!  I have a female teddy that delivered her first 3 babies Sept.24th.  I did not remove the male for a few days.  And you guessed it she is pregnant again.  My mistake.  She delivered one baby on the 4th of Dec. and it is cute as a button doing fine.  And I'm sure there are 2 more to come.  But nothing as of the this evening the 5th.  Is there something wrong?  Do you think she will deliver just when every they are ready??
Thanks for you help....Brenda

If there were any other babies she would have delivered them by now. The sow knows when her job is not finished and will not nurse the litter until she's emptied the contents of the uterus. If she's nursing the new baby then she's done. It's not uncommon to have just one baby in a litter.

If she had an incomplete delivery she would be hunched in a corner and looking bad after this long. You'd also see a discharge from her. Since the baby is doing well it sounds like she's taking care of him, and if that's the case then everything is just fine.

And of course now you know that the sow comes into estrus within four hours of delivery, so if Dad is there he will immediately take advantage of the opportunity! Can't blame the old boy, he's just doing what comes naturally.