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can i put 2 guinea pigs together

21 14:11:09

i have got 3 girl guinea pigs in a cage and next to that cage is another cage with one boy guinea pig in it he looks lonely and i was wondering if i put another guinea with him would they fight because they can smell the girls?

Do not put your girls with your boy as you would have a lot of unwanted babies. You could buy your guinea a friend but that may result with fighting. If you do want to buy your guinea a friend you could firstly spray them both with perfume so they cannot smell peashooter, put them in separate cages for the first week then and let them see and talk to eachother making sure you hold them every day and let them meet eachother every day. Then try putting them together for a few minutes and see how they reacte on the floor, only intervene if they attack eachother. Introduce new guinea pigs in a neutral area--not in a cage. It's best if they are both a little scared about their surroundings and do not have existing territories to fight over. I use a bath towel on our long couch and sit at opposite ends of the towel. I then just let the guinea pigs wander off our laps and find each other in the middle on their own terms at their own pace.
Best wishes