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Guinea pigs can you help me

21 14:17:07

My Guinea pig gets angry when i touch its back so me and my mum looked at his back and found out that at the bottom of his spine around his tail it was all scabby
do you know what this is? also my other guinea pig has around the same area a really stiky patch and all the hair is matted together
Please get back to me

Hello Steph,

The guinea pig with matted fur is probbly shedding and clumping around the bottom, You should try dematting the fur.
As far as the guinea pig with the scabby bottom, it sounds like your guinea pig has mange mites and should be seen by a vet asap. They do cause a guinea pig to be in pain and they don't go away on their own. You will need to either take your guinea pig to a vet for a dose of ivermectin or you can buy the ivermectin in horse supply areas but you will still need to ask a vet on the amount of dosage that's needed to cure the parasites.
I hope I've helped