Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > sick maybe dying GP?

sick maybe dying GP?

21 14:12:56

My two y/o abysinneum male GP for the past two days have had no appetite, not drinking and prefers to stay in his house. Still pooping pellets, but not alot. Tummy is soft and when I let him out he starts off slow but will run around for a short while then go back in his cage and into the house.I fear the worse, what with the no eating or drinking. What could it be?

Hi Arlene

Sorry for the delay in my reply, I have been away for a while.

Lack of appetite is a very general sign of ill health but the most likely cause is a teeth problem.

The only thing I can advise is for you get your piggy checked by a vet.
