Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > no food or water for 8 days

no food or water for 8 days

21 14:12:52

2 y/o Gp abruptly stopped eating over a week ago. when food is placed in cage she will come out and stare at it for over 5 minutes, push at the hay with her nose until it's bunched in a corner and retreat to her house. If I leave the cage open she will come out and run around for a minute and then back in her house. I have been giving her vitamin c water with a syringe. I checked out her teeth and one top and one bottom ar broken. No pooping in 3 days, understandably. Getting her to a vet is a hardship. Any suggestions?

Hell Arlene,
the best thing you can do is to take your guinea pig to a vet to get the teeth filed down. You will need to hand feed the with a syringe as well. Generally the best type of food to use is Oxbow critical care which you will have to call and order from the company.
I would also call a vet and ask if you honestly can't afford the trip, but the only way I know of getting the guinea pig better is by taking her to the vet and getting her teeth filed down.