Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Cockroaches! :(

Cockroaches! :(

21 13:48:43

Ok, I just have a quick question this time :).  I found a cockroach above a box I had recently used to move (gross, I know).  I got rid of that one, but I'm worried about other ones hiding out, and I know that if they did start to multiply the guinea pig cages would be a great spot for them to hide out and find food (yuck!).  I was just wondering if you knew whether or not the "Roach Bait" that they sell in stores could be dangerous to the guinea pigs.  Thank you!!!!

Cockroaches are probably the number one insect that gross us out. They're also the hardiest of all insects and have been around for millions of years. They can come home in a bag of groceries and you not even know they're there.

Any kind of bait for killing insects, mice, etc are toxic to guinea pigs. So if you use them just be sure they're not where your pigs can reach them.  I doubt they would nest in your cage because they like dark hidden places.  I would think there would be too much activity in a cavy cage. I also don't think they eat alfalfa pellets. They go after OUR food.  

Just make sure there is nothing that the pigs could reach and you should be just fine.