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Guinea with red urine

21 14:26:03

Hello and thank you in advance!

I have 2 sows, both 3 years old.  I pick up their cage 2x day to discard dirty litter and noticed this morning a reddish urine stain on some newspaper.  I watched them for an hour this a.m. and saw one pee clear, the other I have yet to see pee.  The "non-pee-er" is acting fine, eating and drinking.  I wonder if the raspberries I fed them last night could be the culprit?  Vet charges $39 office visit and money is tight right now, I don't want to go in unless abs. necessary.  

hiya heather
i am afriad you must take both of them to the vet as one may have Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). it needs vet treatment. it also could be bladder stones or something else so i urge you to take both piggies to the vet. furthermore monitor them as if they sqeauk when weeing then most definetely have UTI