Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > wat do they eat?wat do they...

wat do they eat?wat do they...

21 14:44:03

wat do they eat?
wat do they like to do?

Dear Tessa,

   I recommend carrots, apples,celery, and cucumbers, and definetly find a good pellet food. YOU MUST get them some source of Vitamin C without it they could die!I highly recommend Timothy hay they are about $3 a bag it is the best stuff to feed them. They love to eat so don't over feed them. They also like to communicate with one another so I recommend getting two.If you made a pen outside and supervised them and make sure no Miracle-Grow, fertilizer, & other hazards are in that area they would love to play outside for 10-30 minutes a day!

   Good Luck,
