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New Cavy Owner

21 14:43:33

Hi!  I recently (3 days ago) bought a 4-5 week old guinea pig (from a pet store; I know, my bad but I've seen him over the past week and liked him more each time I stopped in the store to see him).  I'm quite an animal lover and have had many companion animals but never one like this!  I have read as much info as I can find and frankly, some of it is contradictory!  One site advises leaving the new cavy alone for several days, one advises constant handling to accustom him to the family.  My questions are:  1)My cavy seems to be scratching excessively, not just when grooming.  I'm thinking...mites?  Add to this that he doesn't want to be handled (which seems to go against everything I've read) and even nips at my hands when I pick him up.  Some of this I can attribute to his being in a strange environment, but he wasn't a biter in the store!  I know it will take a while to "tame" Cletus - he will let me pet him, he takes treats from my hand (VERY cautiously and only after thoroughly checking out my hand with his outstretched nose) - he just starts nipping when I pick him up.  Yes, I use both hands, one under his bottom and one cupped under his front legs/chest.  And before I start calling vets, does he have to be at a certain weight limit if he does need to be treated for mites?

Thanks so much for any advice you can give!  

Hello Linda and thanks for the question.

Let's start with the "strange" behavior of scratching. A GP can be treated for mites at any age. Younger ones need to go to the vet for an injection (yuck) and older ons can be shampooed with human headlice shampoo. I would take your new friend into an exotic/GP expert vet and get the proper treatment. Keep your reciept and ask the pet store owner/manager for the refund. Most pet stores will say "no" or that they "have a policy about returns". This policy usually results in a dead GP that just needed a shot. You can try though.

Once your GP is 100% healthy again: HOLD HIM ALL THE TIME! LOL. I am of the school of thought to chase him down, pick him up and hold and pet him. Biting/nipping is bad behavior that should result in a light "flick" to the nose. You can easily break your GP of biting. Teach him to trust you by giving him treats while holding him. Don't "tip toe" around him, act normally (like having the vaccuum or tv or radio on by him). This will get him used to these sounds. He will be ok with it in time and you won't feel "put out" by the GP. On the other hand give him "alone" time and always let him have somewhere (A "pigloo" is a good idea) to run to. GPs are "prey" in the wild and need a place to feel safe.

One last piece of advice is to get him a "cage mate". GPs are herd animals and need at least a pair to be truly happy.

Thanks and good luck! I am sure that you will do fine.
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