Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Scabby faced piggy

Scabby faced piggy

21 14:33:57

Hi Andy,
This morning as I was putting some fresh fruit and vegetables into my pigs cage, I noticed that something looked very wrong with him. Most of his face is covered with beige-coloured scabby-like stuff. It's not very hard or crusty and it comes off easily (though he doesn't seem to like me taking it off). And it's thick; not just flakey skin. Otherwise, he seems to be fine; it hasn't affected his eating, drinking, or behaviour. Could you tell me what it is, and how it developed so quickly? I would appreciate any advice you could give me. Thank you!

Hi Monica

It sounds like your pig has a parasitical infection. It is very easy to treat but you will need to have a visit to the vet to get some antibiotics.

It is unusal for it to develop quickly although he probably had the infection for a few days and only just started exhibiting the scabs.
