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odd behavior in guinea pig

21 14:10:45

Our year-old female guineapig almost died in May. The vet said she had an infection and a congenital heart defect. She pulled through, however, and has seemed happy and healthy since then. Recently, however, her popcorning has changed. She twists mid-air and often lands on her side. She seems spastic. She is eating and drinking well. Should we be worried?

Hi Judy

This is a difficult one. On its own, I dont see any problem in a piggy landing on her side when popcorning. In addition to eating well, as long as her head isnt tilted when walking and as long as she is walking in a straight line then I personally would just monitor the situation and report any further changes.

I totally understand your worry in view of previous illness but I very much doubt there is a link.

Let me know if you have any other concerns.
