Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > HELP PIGGERS HAVE LICE!


21 14:07:30

Jenny helped out a lot with her response to my question about lice, however she is not available for my followup question.  She told me to use gorgeous guineas lice n easy because they are so young, however there are lots of lice around his eyes.  How do I get to those critters without worrying about the shampoo getting in his eyes nose or mouth?  Thanks so much

Hi Rachelle

I dont know the specific product that Jenny told you about but I would do the same as I do when giving my pigs a bath.

I get my wife to hold the pig and I use one hand to pour the water/apply the shampoo and the other hand to shield the eyes and nose and I have never had any problem.
