Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > guinne pig

guinne pig

21 14:37:15

hello i have a gunnie pig and it has some scabs on it in various places i was wandeing if there was anything i could do. i have washed it with medicated gunnie pig shampoo, is it ill? how can i help it get better, also it seems to itch the scabs and knock the new ones off

it's bed is saw dust and hay and i change it once a week washing its hut out with dettol to make it clean again

many thanks for you time michelle

Hi Michelle

Your pig just has a skin infection, which should be treated by a vet as it could be caused by mites or fungal infection.

You shouldnt use sawdust as bedding as it can cause the pig to sneeze and cause respiratory disorders. You should also use a special dissinfectant to clean the cage as dettol is far too strong. Any good pet store will sell "small animal dissinfectant."

Hope that helps.
