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Few General Questions for my Guinea Pig

21 14:03:50

How are you? I was wondering if I can ask you couple questions regarding care of my Guinea Pig. This is my very first pet and I really love her so much, her name is Bai but I am not sure if she is an Adult guniea pig now? However, I am not her first owner, my boyfriend friend give her to us when she was around 8 month old and now I have been taking care of her for almost 11 month. I have took her to see the Vet one time, however I am worry something is wrong, I was wondering if you can help me.
1) She have develop some 2-3 scab close to her neck around, my friend told me that I can help her take a bath and put baby oil to see if it will get better? Is that true? How can deal with her with her scab? She seem fine with in and not very itchy but I worry so mcuh? It is me maybe holding her and soemthing drop on her that cause this?

2) How many time can I help her take a bath a month? Would it affec her coating on her body if I take to many bath for her? How many time the cage should be clean a month to make sure the cage is clean but now affect her?

3) She have been gaining weight, but she is not a very active guinea pig and didnot like to move when I put her on the floor, What can I do to help her lose weight? It is normal if she gain weight? How much food should I give her that is cosider gd for her?

4) Now she is around 1-2 years old I was wondering if one day she does died? What kind of thing would I have to do after she is gone? Is there any place that I can bring her too?

THank for all your help.
Yours truly, Janet

She could have mites, they are microscopic and under the skin, the treatment as well as some other advise is on my website . Guinea pigs live to be around 5-8 years old, my oldest being almost 10 years. Guinea pigs when full grown do tend to be lazy, just monitor her diet and let her run loose sometimes with supervision. Guinea pigs should only be bathed at most twice a month. There is plenty more information on my website though, I hope it helps.