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lethargic piggy

21 14:24:29

recently our piggy, Papaya has become very lethargic. she seems very withdrawn into herself, like she is trying to bundle up into her own skin. she is very unreactive to being touched and wants to just lie down with a vacant look on her little face. she appears a little more fat and is not making any noises. she is 4 years old and has another cagemate which is also female and the same age. her cagemate, kiwi, is acting completly normal. they have had no change in diet and have timothy hay changed and layed out new 2 to 3 times a week. they use care fresh bedding, also changed weekly. if you have any insight into this, please let us know asap. thank you

Hello Chris,

Lethargy (and not eating) is typically the first sign of illness or even just stress, without any other symptoms, it's hard to make any guess. She does sound like it's an illness and not stress though and I recommend getting her to a vet soon. Most illnesses, the earlier they are caught and treated the greater the chance for survival. Hopefully what she has is nothing to terrible. If you notice any other symptoms before your vet visit (crusty eyes, crusty nose, hair loss, itchyness, rashes, cryng when touched, anything) feel free to message again. Good luck. I hope Papaya will be well soon.
