Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > two boy guinea pigs together.

two boy guinea pigs together.

21 14:28:50

Hi, exactly last week i bought a new boy piggie and i'm going to get another one because i found out that they will get board without a mate. He is 4 weeks old and im going to get one the same age as him, and i was wondering if this would be okay because i also herd that they will kill each other and i dont want that please help me because i dont want my baby to be board while im at school thanks a bunch lara and chester (guinea pig)  

Hello, even though guinea pigs are social animals, if you are able to provide your guinea pig with attention after school, they will be fine. When you go to school make sure they have enough timothy hay and chew treats to play with. You can even turn on a radio. Most of the time when you leave your guinea pig will probably be sleeping or eating and when you come home you can give it all the love and attention he needs. It is true that when you put two males together that they can fight and you will need a bigger cage to house two guinea pigs. a 4ft. long by two feet wide cage is what you will need for two guinea piggies as well and they may still fight. I personally think you should stick with just one really and give that oen all the love and attention you can. Even if you are at school he will just sleep probably. :-)